Customer Service Agreement – Customer Responsibility

Effective Date: 5/2023

This Customer Service Agreement (“Agreement”) outlines the responsibilities of the customer when using our services. By using our services, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:

1. Accurate and Complete Information

You are responsible for providing accurate and complete information when interacting with our customer service representatives, service technicians, and when providing information through electronic means. This includes providing your correct contact details, account information, and any relevant details pertaining to your inquiry or issue. Ensuring the accuracy of the information you provide will help us deliver efficient and effective customer service.

2. Safe Workplace

It is your responsibility to ensure a safe working environment for our service technicians. By agreeing to this, you acknowledge that you will take necessary steps to remove any pets that could potentially jeopardize the safety of the technician. Furthermore, you agree that the workplace will be easily accessible and free from structures or excessive foliage that may obstruct or hinder the technician’s ability to perform their duties safely.

3. Respectful Communication

We expect all customers to engage in respectful and professional communication when interacting with our customer service representatives and service technicians. You agree not to use offensive, abusive, or discriminatory language or engage in any form of harassment or intimidation. We reserve the right to terminate or suspend services if a customer engages in inappropriate behavior towards our staff.

4. Cooperation and Assistance

You are responsible for cooperating and providing any necessary assistance to our customer service representatives and service technicians to resolve your inquiries or issues. This may include providing additional information, following troubleshooting steps, or complying with reasonable requests for documentation or verification. Your cooperation and timely response will help us provide a satisfactory resolution in a timely manner.

5. Compliance with Policies and Terms

You are responsible for familiarizing yourself with and complying with all applicable policies, terms, and conditions related to our services. This includes but is not limited to our Customer Service Agreement, Cancellation/Refund Policy, and Privacy Policy. Failure to comply with these policies may result in the termination or suspension of services.

6. Timely Reporting of Issues

If you encounter any issues or problems with our services, you are responsible for promptly reporting them to our customer service team and/ or service technicians. Timely reporting allows us to investigate and address the issues in a timely manner, minimizing any inconvenience to you and other customers.

7. Feedback and Suggestions

We appreciate your feedback and suggestions regarding our services. You may provide feedback or suggestions for improvement to our customer service representatives. While we value your input, please note that we have the discretion to determine whether and how to implement any suggestions or changes to our services.

8. Termination of Services

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend our services to customers who violate this Agreement, engage in fraudulent activities, or misuse our services. We also reserve the right to refuse service to any customer at our discretion.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Customer Service Agreement, please contact our customer service team at

By using our services, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the responsibilities outlined in this Agreement.